• 9.9.2024
  • 20h

We are happy to announce the next webinar in 2024 with Dr. Isabelle BURGAUD 

Isabelle is a doctor of veterinary medicine, graduated in 2006 as a french DIE in veterinary osteopathy and in 2018 as a DE in kinesiology, physiotherapy and readaptation of horses. 

She is an EVSO-C graduate and veterinarian for the french vaulting team since 2012.

The EVSO team feels very happy and proud to have Isabelle as a speaker for the september webinar! 

TAO BLT - Balanced Ligamentous Tension

  • 27-29.09. 2024
  • starting 09h00 am

for further information please visit the website: www.tao-equilibre.de

EVSO Conference 2024

  • 4.-5.10.2024

Conference about 'Myofascial lines' , held in Copenhagen!

Main speaker Dr. Rikke Schultz

Prof Dr. Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd and DVM Tove Due complete our speaker team for the workshops. 

lectures: friday 4th of october at the University of Veterinary Medicine Copenhagen
workshops: saturday 5th of october 
Workshop 'dog' at the at the University of Veterinary Medicine Copenhagen
Workshop 'horse' at the "Royal Stables"

early bird discount until 1st of August

places are limited

registration link: www.evso.eu

Hotel recommendation: Scandic Falkoner Copenhagen

AVSOP Akupunktur und Schmerz - Neurophysiologische Basis von Schmerz und Behandlung mit Akupunktur

  • 11. - 13.10.2024

Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Iff

Course language: german

Course venue: Seminarhotel Das Reinisch, A-2320 Schwechat-Mannswörth, Mannswörther Strasse 76 (5min from the airport Schwechat/Vienna)

for further information please visit the website of AVSOP

AVETAO MMV Equine : Mécanique Equestre et Rééducation fonctionnelle

  • 11.-13.10.2014
  • 24h

Speaker: Dr Marie-Odile Sautel

for further information: https://avetao.com/formations/formation_mmv2/22mmv/

TAO Grundausbildung Veterinärosteopathie in Cham

  • starting Nov 01st, 2024 (12 weekend seminars)
  • seminars 1/10/11/12 starting friday 09h00 am, all others starting friday at 01h00 pm

for further information please visit the website: www.tao-equilibre.de

AVSOP Lahmheiten der Fleischfresser, Behandlung durch fluidische und PAM Techniken

  • 08.-10.11.2024

Speaker: Dr. Jean-Jaques Breton

Course language: french with german translation

Course venue: Seminarhotel Das Reinisch, A-2320 Schwechat-Mannswörth, Mannswörther Strasse 76 (5min from the airport Schwechat/Vienna)

for further information please visit the website of AVSOP

AVETAO MMV Equine : la consultation MMV-Ostéo adaptée aux diverses disciplines équestres

  • 15.-17.11.2024
  • 24h

Speaker: Dr Bruno Van Cauter

for further information: https://avetao.com/formations/formation_mmv3/25mmv/

TAO Neurovaskuläre Osteopathie

  • 22.-24.11.2024
  • starting 09h00 am

for further information please visit: www.tao-equilibre.de

AVSOP Osteopathie in der Pferdepraxis, Schwerpunkt Orthopädie, Sportmedizin

  • 13. - 15.12.2024

Speaker: Dr. Stefan Scheidegger

Course language: german

Course venue: Seminarhotel Das Reinisch, A-2320 Schwechat-Mannswörth, Mannswörther Strasse 76 (5min from the airport Schwechat/Vienna)

for further information please visit the website of AVSOP